I self assigned myself to shoot some video this weekend at the Sante Fe College Boots 'n BBQ Contest in Starke, Fla. So, I borrowed my housemate's Casio Exilim 6-megapixel point and shoot camera and went to town. The camera has some image quality issues (streaky pink lines if any light is reflected towards the lens, etc.) and the on board microphone didn't offer a lot of versatility, but it was enough for me to get some practice shooting moving pictures. I'm pretty happy with the result.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
BBQ Video
Photos by
Tom McCarthy Jr.
7:48 PM
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Quick Post
So, despite my last post I still haven't been doing too good a job of updating this Phlog. Hopefully, this quick, two-photo post will kick start my drive to keep the interwebs up to date on my photo happenings. Below are two shots of my grandmother and her four daughters (one of which is my mom) at the end of a get together at the beach in Jacksonville, Fla. last month. Naturally, I've fallen into the role of family photographer, so before they headed back to their respective home states we did a quick portrait session out on the balcony. They also all got bracelets that say sister (for the sisters) and mother (for Grandma), which I thought was worth trying to get a shot of before they rushed off to the airport. A lovelier group of ladies you'll never find.
Photos by
Tom McCarthy Jr.
3:03 PM