Here are a few more from my self-assigned polo excursion in Ocala on Saturday. This time I included a couple of shots from the actual match (not incredible frames, but necessary to have if one's shooting polo). I'm thinking I might need to get my hands on a 400mm and go back out and see what I get (polo fields are wicked long). The last shot is the hood ornament on the McNamara's old pick-up truck. I think it's pretty cool.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
More Polo
Photos by
Tom McCarthy Jr.
6:28 PM
Sunset statuette; 5
A sliver of sunset lights a statuette yesterday. I like that there is the deep orange/yellow light from the sunset on the statuette, but in the background you can see the deeper blue light in the shadowy backyard.
Photos by
Tom McCarthy Jr.
6:25 PM
Monday, March 30, 2009
Yellow, Droplets; 3
From Friday night: a rain-covered motorcycle windshield and my buddy Evan tending his newly opened beer and wine bar, Alcove, on South Main Street in Gainesville.
Photos by
Tom McCarthy Jr.
4:39 PM
Ocala Polo; 4
On Saturday I went down to Ocala and photographed Patrick McNamara from play in a polo match. I'd never even watched polo before, so shooting a match was pretty fun. I didn't really have the lens power to capture the major on-field action, but I enjoyed shooting all the preparation that goes into the sport. Here's a small sample of what I got. I'll be posting more soon.
Photos by
Tom McCarthy Jr.
2:08 AM
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Sunrise, sunset; 1,2
A leafy thing on the back porch at sunrise a few months ago paired with a shot from last night right after the sun set. Then, the sky as the sun came up this morning. I'll be putting up a few more like this soon probably.
Photos by
Tom McCarthy Jr.
6:10 PM
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Catching Up
I had some free time today so I decided to start sifting through all the photos from the last few months that I've been neglecting. These four are from a trip I made up to the North East at Christmas. I guess I'll just post as I edit.
Photos by
Tom McCarthy Jr.
3:55 PM