A couple of months ago I visited my Humble Grape sippin' friend in Washington D.C. where we wined, dined, danced and also did a little sightseeing. It was great to get a break and just shoot somewhere new with no pressure. A lot of shoot-from-the-hip, no worries style photos came from the weekend. Here are a few them. Also, I'm trying out slideshows on the blog, in keeping with the website update I completed not too long ago. http://tommccarthyjr.com .
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Spring in Washington D.C.
Photos by
Tom McCarthy Jr.
5:52 PM
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Run for the Sun
I just ate it so hard running to the beach to photograph a sunset. Since it is summer in Florida it rains every afternoon (usually starting around 3 p.m.), which can be a hassle if you need sunny skies for that portrait or building mug you've got planned. However, it also can make for some pretty nice light late in the day. This evening I noticed that the conditions were perfect for a sunset rainbow over the ocean (the last time I bolted out of the office for this shot I got all the way to the sand before I realized I'd left my memory card in the computer). Alas, no rainbow tonight (at least not much of one), but a beautiful sky did materialize in the final moments of daylight. I was already in the process of updating the phlog when I made my mad dash for the beach, so I'll just tack the shot onto the end of this post.
I was combing through my files looking for any overlooked gems for an upcoming portfolio submission (hint: the deadline was extended) when I came across a few shots that never made it into print for whatever reason. The first shot here is from a sunrise on Easter (I was there shooting the beachside "Sonrise Service"). Up next is a shot I got while riding along with the St. Edward's School's crew coach as the sun set on the Indian River Lagoon. Third is artist Sharon Sexton working on a new piece on the back porch of her ranch home in west Vero. Fourth is just a simple window light portrait of R.G. "Ace" Cappelen. I miss my cheapo 50mm f1.8. Up next is some of that sunset light during the half-time team warm-up at a St. Edward's football game. Nearing the end is a shot of a kid jumping off some brand new playground equipment at the newly renovated Humiston Park. And lastly, the sun sets on the Vero Beach Pier.
Photos by
Tom McCarthy Jr.
8:55 PM