Tuesday, May 22, 2007

At the lake with only my 70-300mm

So, I recently spent a weekend at a lake house in Melrose, Fla., but I only brought my old Rebel xt and Sigma 70-300mm. It was an odd way to shoot and it made getting that intimate feeling a little hard, since I had to shoot from so far away. I got a few shots I like, though. Also, I made a wicked awesome Soundslides (I enjoy it, anyway) but since I have yet to register my new Mac version of Soundslides I'm not going to link to it. Just know that you are missing out. Here are some shots that I like from the weekend.


Tim Hussin said...

I didn't think I would say it, but those photos make me miss Florida...

Luanne Dietz said...

O Sunny Florida.. I'm with ya Tim! nice job Thomas...

andreita said...

sweet fishing rod photo, tommy.