Tuesday, May 1, 2007

New Portfolio Site!

I just finished a new Web site! It incorporates some Flash and I'm pretty happy with it. It will evolve even more over the next few weeks as I fine tune the content away from class assignment and towads a personal portfolio display. Check it out:


I'm also planning on getting my self a good host since I won't be a student much longer. Any suggestions?


Mindy McAdams said...

Yes, I use Dreamhost. See this blog post for details.

Tim Hussin said...

I like the site a lot. Did Kaplan say that there were things you could fix or something...after class that one day?

Tom McCarthy Jr. said...

He only looked at it for a second, but yeah, he noticed a few things to change. Of course, I've already done an overhaul since then.

cohnhead said...

What sort of hosting deals are you finding? I use GoDaddy which has worked fine, but creates a lot of spam. I love the image of the skyscraper pedestrian.