Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Some more impromptu portraits

Two posts in one day? Why not? If I don't put these up now they'll probably never resurface. Next time I might give the grandparents a chance to smile before I snap the picture...maybe. I'm still loving this 50mm.




The Intergalactic Gentleman who lives on my front porch

The grandparents in some dramatic elevator lighting (not a portrait, but where else should I put it?)


Tim Hussin said...

I love the first one. That lens makes everything so pretty. Did you get the 1.4?

Tom McCarthy Jr. said...

I wish. Just the 1.8 but I'm loving it still...this is a really late reply.

kohl threlkeld said...

Tim- We cant all own the 1.4, some of us have to settle for 1.8.

thanks for the kind words on my blog and the encouragement. Since i havent been ddoing multimedia for too long (and since tim came in kicking ass at it) im trying to get better. So, thanks for the comment. BTW, i have checked your blog before and you have some great stuff as well. My favorite so far is the one of your grandparents in the elevator.