Monday, March 17, 2008

Don't Miss

I was looking back through old takes the other day (trying to put together a fresh portfolio) and found this over looked shot from the Highland Games in St. Louis. I think it's funny. That Lochness Monster is staring her down. Intimidating.

Lochness Golf


Milla said...

This one is pretty sweet,
I like the colors a whole lot.

You and I take a lot of vertical pictures. I used to get hounded by my photo teacher because I take 90% vertical and 10% horizontal. He was just trying to get me to experiment with framing a little more but I always felt like it wasn't such a big deal. I just feel like most pictures look better that way.

Tim Hussin said...

That's a pretty harmless looking Lochness Monster - with it's comically tilted golf hat and feminine eyelashes.

Tom McCarthy Jr. said...

Don't be fooled. It's surely ferocious.