Between all of the society events and the paper's dining review page I've been shooting food pretty regularly these last few months. I enjoy shooting food. I think people like to look at photos of food (as long as the photos make the food look appetizing). So, here are a few of my recent food shots. In order: Sea Scallops, Belinis, Salad, Sea Scallops, Alphabet Pasta, Ceviche, Truffles, and Honey.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Photos by
Tom McCarthy Jr.
9:45 PM
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Villin Cycle Works, Inc.
I figure that before I start posting my current work I should take care of some of the backlogged images on my hard drive. Around the end of the summer I did some work for Villin Cycle Works, Inc. back in Gainesville, Fla. The guys at Villin go to great pains to craft custom, handmade bicycles from raw materials. The amount of precision and detail that go into these bikes can mean over 80 hours of labor per bike. I tried to spend a good number of those hours hanging out at the shop shooting the welding, painting and filing. These images are a selection of the images that I handed over to Villin for their Web site. The photos are all cropped to fit into a stretched horizontal slot on the site. I shot a good number of images for myself while I was at the shop, but I haven't had a chance to work through those yet. So, here are some of my favorite super horizontals. There are a few more shots on the Villin site at:
Photos by
Tom McCarthy Jr.
12:25 AM
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Beach Life
Since my last post I've started a new job and moved a little further to the south east. I'm now a staff shooter for Vero Beach 32963 and it's sister publication The new job has kept me very busy, but that also means that I've been shooting a lot of photos. I'm going to start posting again now that I've begun to settle in here in Vero Beach. For now, I'll just put up this one shot from the other morning. After waking up to shoot an assignment at 5:45 a.m. (before sunrise) I decided to make use of my situation (being awake too early). Since I live across the street from the beach I wandered down to the water's edge with my camera where I stumbled across this guy. Nothing like some sunrise fishing. More to come soon.
Photos by
Tom McCarthy Jr.
2:39 PM
Friday, June 12, 2009
The Alcove
Lately, I've been doing some work around town for local businesses. Here are a few from a recent shoot I did for Alcove.
Photos by
Tom McCarthy Jr.
11:32 AM
Friday, May 22, 2009
Rainy Weather Spot News
It has been raining for about a week straight now here in Florida. Yesterday, I was downtown watching the UEFA Cup Final at the Alcove after work when I heard someone say there was a man lying in the middle of Main Street (in the rain). Well you know: have camera; will shoot. So, I walked over and took a some shots while the man (who had just been hit by an SUV while trying to dash across the street against the light) just lay in the middle of the street waiting for the ambulance to arrive and take him to the hospital. He was treated for non-life-threatening injuries (as you can see in the first shot he busted his head open). The second shot here is of the man being tended to by paramedics while the woman who was driving the SUV gives her account of the accident to one of the officers at the scene. I haven't shot much spot news in a while. The Sun picked up the first photo below for today's paper. It was an unexpected end to my Wednesday.
Photos by
Tom McCarthy Jr.
1:29 AM
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Gator Stompin': a big pub crawl
Lately, I've been shooting more for The Gainesville Sun, which is nice since it means I'm actually getting published again. The other weekend I photographed Gator Stompin'. It's billed as the "world's largest pub and restaurant crawl." I started at the beginning and worked my way all the way to the end with all of the Stompers. There was a noticeable change in many of the participants as the night wore on. The event also gave me the opportunity to check out some of the bars and clubs in Gainesville to which I've never been (and a few to which I don't plan on returning). The paper ran some of these as a photo package and also put a gallery up on their SITE.
Below are photos of people getting their Gator Stompin' shirts checked off as they visit each establishment on the list, catching a bike taxi ride at the end of the route, waiting in line in front of one of venues, playing a Captain Morgan's miniature bean bag toss game, and lastly a fellow taking a breathalyzer test at the end of the night.
Photos by
Tom McCarthy Jr.
3:44 PM
Monday, May 4, 2009
Lib Arts Graduation
This weekend The Gainesville Sun had me shoot the undergraduate commencement ceremony for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the University of Florida. The ceremony was at the O-Dome (where the Gator basketball team plays). Aside from the dome's abysmal lighting, it was an enjoyable assignment. After the ceremony ended, I went outside to get some shots of the recent grads celebrating and taking pictures. A lot of people went across the street to Ben Hill Griffin Stadium and were taking photos down on the field. I managed to get a couple I like from there to add to the take (nothing like taking photos of people taking photos). Here are a few shots. You can see more at The Sun's online gallery HERE.
Photos by
Tom McCarthy Jr.
6:59 PM
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
More Polo
Here are a few more from my self-assigned polo excursion in Ocala on Saturday. This time I included a couple of shots from the actual match (not incredible frames, but necessary to have if one's shooting polo). I'm thinking I might need to get my hands on a 400mm and go back out and see what I get (polo fields are wicked long). The last shot is the hood ornament on the McNamara's old pick-up truck. I think it's pretty cool.
Photos by
Tom McCarthy Jr.
6:28 PM