Sunday started early for me. A couple of lackluster assignments had me ready to go home when the scanner reported a possible fire in a garage on the other side of the river. I ran on it and arrived just when the scanner announced an explosion. Surprisingly, despite the explosion, I wasn't kept back (possible because I arrived right when I did) and was able to shoot the fire with nothing longer than my 80-200mm. There were firefighters in the house when the explosion occurred and they suffered minor injuries but stayed to continue fighting the blaze before going to the hospital with hearing damage. The house's occupants got out safe and two pets were rescued, including this singed and ornery cat, which headed straight back to the house to hide and was picked up again by another firefighter.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Cat in a Fire
Photos by
Tom McCarthy Jr.
5:20 PM
Monday, April 21, 2008
The March Madness Experience
The Illinois high school state basketball finals are held in Peoria every March. This year there was a big exhibit hall at the Civic Center full of basketball related activities. I shot it for the Journal Star's Heartland section (a weekly photo page/section). The conditions were pretty tough. Dim lighting, super high black ceilings, and sports action made my job pretty hard. I really didn't want to have to lug a lighting kit around with me and set it up at each station, but eventually I caved (not soon enough to get all the photos I wanted, though). So, the results are a mix of lit and unlit shots from the different stages of my coverage. These ran awhile ago but I forgot to add to the phlog. Here they are.
Photos by
Tom McCarthy Jr.
6:55 PM
Friday, April 18, 2008
Softball Screwup
So, I went to shoot a high school girls softball game today for some sports page wild art. After shooting the whole game, I noticed that the sign in front of the school I was shooting at said Jr. High on it. After a quick check of the rosters I'd gathered from the two teams I realized that I had somehow shot the sophomore game instead of the varsity game (which took place directly across the street and was apparently over long before I realized my mistake - I checked). Luckily (sort of) there was a night game on the other side of town so I went and shot that. Unluckily, the lights on the third base side were out (not that it would have mattered that much). This is the shot I got of a play at home plate from the daytime game that I accidentally shot (the photo that is in tomorrow's paper will not appear on this phlog). Ugh.
Photos by
Tom McCarthy Jr.
3:23 AM
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Weather and a Movie
Last Sunday was a pretty full day here at the Journal Star. A few stories fell through and left us all scrambling to fill in the holes in the Monday paper. Among the things I shot were this weather/kids having fun feature and this photo from the opening of a local indie horror film at a theater downtown. The theater shot is of one of the film's producers who was nervously pacing in the back by all of the projection equipment. Being a movie theater, it was very dark so I had to do a long exposure (2 seconds) but this guy was nervous and kept pacing, becoming just a blur in the images. Luckily, he paused right in a spot of light from a screen and stayed there long enough for me to make this frame (camera braced on the railing and prefocused manually with a prayer). The great green color was an added bonus.
Photos by
Tom McCarthy Jr.
2:41 PM
Friday, April 4, 2008
Backyard Ice RInk (one year of phlogging)
Today is the one-year-anniversary of this phlog. I don't have anything brand new to put up (not on this computer, you see), but I do have these photos from a few visits I made to this family who've been building an ice skating rink in their backyard for the last nine years. The son (a hockey player) is graduating this year and going on to college so this is probably (supposedly) the last year that the dad will be building the rink. Some of these photos are from a day when the high was 10 degrees (colder in a shady backyard) and I forgot my gloves. That was horrible. This is a very loose edit (um, kinda). Forgive me.
Photos by
Tom McCarthy Jr.
2:57 AM
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
I'll Tumble for You
It's been over a month since the internet went out in my basement apartment here in Peoria, but I finally got it fixed this morning. Hooray. Here's some photos from a while ago of a group of young kids who started a tumbling group. They did a short performance (I mean short) at this Black History Month celebration and I was there to photograph them. The only worthwhile photo I got during the actually performance is the first one here and that is what ran as the centerpiece in the paper the next day. I was more partial to the second shot here, which I took after the performance when the kids were just fooling around and getting some extra practice in with their coach. To be honest, I might just like it better because the sign is fully readable (that's what I do, take pictures of signs). I like the third one just because of that smile. Oh, and I lit this with two dynalights bounced off of the ceiling because it was in an old building with an unlit stage and I'm shooting with D2H's these days. But I think the lighting made a big (helpful) difference.
Photos by
Tom McCarthy Jr.
3:11 AM